Sunday, June 7, 2015

  Goat Breeds.      


There is a large variation in color but the typical Jamnapari is white with patches of tan on the neck and head. Their heads tend to have a highly convex nose, which gives them a parrot-like appearance. They have long flat drooping ears which are around 25 cm long. Both sexes have horns. The udder has round, conical teats and is well developed. They also have unusually long legs. The Jamnapari male can weigh up to 120 kg, while females can reach around 90 kg.
The average lactation yield per day has been found to be slightly less than two kilograms. Jamnapari meat is said to be low in cholesterol.


The Beetal goat breed from the Sialkot District of Pakistan is used for milk and meat production. It is also known as Amritsari goat. Beetal is considered to be a good milker with large body size and high fecundity. It usually gives birth to two or three kids at a time. The skin of these goats is considered to be of high quality because of larger size and yield finest leather such as velour, suede and chamois for manufacturing clothes, shoes and gloves. Beetal goat has been widely used for improvement of local goats throughout the subcontinent. 



Saanam is very popular breed .White colour goat,Mature weight is 75-85kg (male) ,
50-75kg (female).


Bore is use for meat productions. It has a brown or black colour head and white colour body .Mature weight is 110-135kg .

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