Sunday, June 7, 2015

New agriculture related machineries.

Asset Based Community Development.

What is ABCD?

´ABCD is a methodology for the sustainable development of communities based on there strengths and potentials.

´This approach was developed by John L.McKnight & John P.Kretzmann

It involves :

- assessing the
resources,skills & experience available in a community,
-organizing the community around issues that move its members in to action,
-then determining taking appropriate action

Guiding Principles

´ABCD differs from needs-based community development.
´It focuses primarily on honing & leveraging existing strengths with in a community rather than bolstering community deficiencies related to tenets of empowerment., it postulates that solutions to community problems already exists within a community’s assets

Principles that guide ABCD include
 ´Everyone has gifts: Each person in a community has something to contribute.
´Relationships build a community: People must be connected in order for sustainable community development to take place.
´Citizens at the center: Citizens should be viewed act as actors not recipients in development.
´Leaders involve others: Community development is strongest when it involves a broad base of community action. ´People care: Challenge notions of “apathy "by listening to people’s interests.
´Listening: Decisions should come from conversations  where people heard.
´Ask: Asking for ideas is more sustainable than giving solutions.

The capacity inventory
´1.Skills information: Lists the many skills that a person has gained at home, work ,in the community or else where.(Ex: internet knowledge ,hair cutting,listening,wall papering,carpentary,sewing,baby sitting..etc..)
´2.Community Skills: Lists the community work in which a person has participated to determine future work they may be interested in.
´3.Enterprising interests and experience: Lists past experiences in businesses and determine interest in starting a business.
´4.Personal information: Lists minimum information for follow up.

Asset Mapping
´There are five key assets in any given community:
                                                             4.Physical assets
´These assets are broken down in to three categories.
´Gifts of individuals, citizens’ association, and local institutions .
´Assets maps are used in lieu of needs maps which focus solely on negative aspects of communities. Assets maps on the other hand ,focus on community assets, abilities, skills and strengths in order to build its future.
Time banks
´Time banks are example of using community assets to connect individuals’ assets to one another.
´Neighbors share skills with one another and earn “credits” in the process, allowing and hour of child care to equal an hour of home repair or tax preparation.
´Because ABCD relies on existing community assets to create change, it has been criticized for implying that disadvantage communities have all the resources they need to solve community problems.

 eggs consist of a protective eggshell, albumen (egg white), and vitellus (egg yolk), contained within various thin membranes.
Egg yolks and whole eggs store significant amounts of protein and choline
there are some potential health issues arising from egg quality, storage, and individual allergies.The shape of an egg resembles a prolate spheroid with one end larger than the other, with cylindrical symmetry along the long axis.

An egg is surrounded by a thin, hard shell.

Inside, the egg yolk is suspended in the egg white by one or two spiral bands of tissue called the chalazae 

Air cell

The larger end of the egg contains the air cell that forms when the contents of the egg cool down and contract after it is laid.Chicken eggs are graded according to the size of this air cell, measured during candling.

 A very fresh egg has a small air cell and receives a grade of AA.
 As the size of the air cell increases, and the quality of the egg decreases, the grade moves from AA to A to B.
 This provides a way of testing the age of an egg: as the air cell increases in size due to air being drawn through pores in the shell as water is lost, the egg becomes less dense and the larger end of the egg will rise to increasingly shallower depths when the egg is placed in a bowl of water.Shell
Egg shell color is caused by pigment deposition during egg formation in the oviduct and can vary according to species and breed, from the more common white or brown to pink or speckled-spots blue-green.

In general, chicken breeds with white ear lobes lay white eggs, whereas chickens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs.

 Although there is no significant link between shell color and nutritional value


The membrane is a clear film lining the egshell, visible when one peels a boiled egg.

 Eggshell membrane is primarily composed of fibrousproteins such as collagen type I


In chickens it is formed from the layers of secretions of the anterior section of the hen's oviduct during the passage of the egg.

 It forms around either fertilized or unfertilized yolks.

 The primary natural purpose of egg white is to protect the yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo.

Egg white consists primarily of about 90% water into which is dissolved 10% proteins (including albuminsmucoproteins, and globulins).

 Unlike the yolk, which is high in lipids(fats),
egg white contains almost no fat, and the carbohydrate content is less than 1%.

ü Egg white has many uses in food, and many others, including the preparation of vaccines such as those for influenza.


The yolk in a newly laid egg is round and firm. 
 As the yolk ages, it absorbs water from the albumen, which increases its size and causes it to stretch and weaken the vitelline membrane 

The resulting effect is a flattened and enlarged yolk shape.

Yolk color is dependent on the diet of the hen; if the diet contains yellow/orange plant pigments known as xanthophylls, then they are deposited in the yolk, coloring it.

 Lutein is the most abundant pigment in egg yolk.

 A colorless diet can produce an almost colorless yolk.

Yolk color is, for example, enhanced if the diet includes products such as yellowcorn and marigold petals.

 In the US, the use of artificial color additives is forbidden.

Abnormalities :- Shell-less or thin-shelled eggs can be caused by egg drop syndrome.


Careful storage of edible eggs is extremely important, as an improperly handled egg can contain elevated levels of Salmonella bacteriathat can cause severe food poisoning.

Refrigeration also preserves the taste and texture.
 However, uncracked eggs can be left unrefrigerated for several months without spoiling.
.Nutritional value
Chicken egg
whole, hard-boiled
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
647 kJ (155 kcal)
1.12 g
10.6 g
12.6 g
0.153 g
0.604 g
0.686 g
1.075 g
0.904 g
0.392 g
0.292 g
0.668 g
0.513 g
0.767 g
0.755 g
0.298 g
0.700 g
1.264 g
1.644 g
0.423 g
0.501 g
0.936 g
149 μg

0.066 mg
0.5 mg
1.4 mg
44 μg
1.11 μg
294 mg
87 IU
1.03 mg
50 mg
1.2 mg
10 mg
172 mg
126 mg
1.0 mg
Other constituents
75 g
373 mg